Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Little Red Hen

The show was an absolute success! All of the students worked very hard to showcase an amazing production.  

Click on the link below to view the photo album of the big night

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Term 2

Welcome back!
We had a great start to term two with a few new updates! 

We have two new student's in Room 1, Raymond and Karina.  They have had a great start to school.  Our older students have been fantastic role models and have shown great Awhi and Manaakitanga to our new students by making sure they are well looked after in class time, morning tea and lunch times.   

Sunny is back after her big holiday in China, Room 1 were very excited to have you back Sunny!

Our strand focus for Maths in term two is Statistics.  Here we are making a Pict-o-graph of Room 1's favourite foods.

Sean is extending his number knowledge.  Figuring out what make's up a 'teen' number.   We will be revisiting this again in the upcoming week.  We need to learn the difference between a 'teen' number (thir'teen') and a 'ty' number (thir'ty').